jeudi, août 30, 2007

Jour +931: BMT Picnic

It has been more than 2 years since my transplant and things have been good healthwise, with no signs of disease in sight. At this stage, I only need to visit my BMT doctors every 3 months for a simple blood test and check-up.
Last week, I have attended the bi-annual bone-marrow transplant clinic picnic, where old patients (and recent ones) gather to celebrate with the wonderful team of healthworkers who have treated them. It was quite moving to meet again with some of the people that have helped me through this rough bit of my life and who I had not seen since. Although I did not know all of the patients present, I felt that I was sharing something with these folks who have survived and were there to cheer on life.
Kate and the children came along to participate to all the fun activities. We were lucky to win an auction after a ferocious bidding contest. The prize is a 5 services dinner for 6 persons to be cooked in our home by a chef of an Ottawa restaurant. Now we have to decide who to invite!


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Salut Claude!

Maintenant je sais d'ou vient ton souper 5 services.....
Avec la photo jointe à ton message, je suis bien contente de cosntater que tout va bien pour toi!

À plus!

Maryse xoxox

05 octobre, 2007 12:57  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

salut claude !
la rousse fut-elle douce ?

30 octobre, 2007 14:59  

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