dimanche, juillet 17, 2005

Jour +156: My Life as a Hybrid

It has been days since I last updated this blog but I have real news now: I just got confirmation that I have changed blood group from (A) to (AB), the one of my donor. This is a sure sign that the graft is thriving and that I have become a true hybrid: someone living thanks to blood cells marked by a different DNA than his own. I feel like a fancy cultivar!

Indeed the graft is doing well, and still shows some aggressiveness towards the host (the rest of me). Besides the itching skin I encountered before, some mild sores have appeared in my mouth. These symptoms are kept partially under control by the steroid I am currently taking, but it is hard to imagine that I could wean myself from this drug anytime soon, as I initially hoped.

I am starting to think about my return to work, but was told by my doctor that I need to gain more strength through exercise first. This week I visited my workplace for the first time since my illness for what was planned to be a couple of hours, meeting friends, colleagues and bosses. It turned out that I spent most of the afternoon and arrived home exhausted. Truly, I will need more training to be up to this sort of thing!


Anonymous Anonyme said...


Dans mon livre à moi tu a toujours été un 'fancy cultivars' cependant .

Maintenant c'est comme 'Claude Royer Improved' j'imagine!

Salut à la famille


17 juillet, 2005 20:50  
Anonymous Anonyme said...


Enfin, en autant que tu ne commences pas à dire des choses comme "Hasta la vista baby".

Surtout une fois que tu seras gonflé à bloc par l'entraînement!

Félicitations en tout cas,


17 juillet, 2005 22:37  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Très bonnes nouvelles Claude! Et surtout, continue à profiter de l'été pour être en superforme pour le retour au travail!
Grosses bises à toi et toute la famille!

Maryse xoxox

18 juillet, 2005 08:53  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

It's strange that sores in your mouth should be good news, but congratulations on your hybrid identity and everything in any case. And it's great that you had a visit to your work -- hope it's not too very long till you're strong enough to go back.


18 juillet, 2005 10:57  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Eh bien, dis donc Claude, ce n'est pas juste l'ADN qui a changé! La langue de communication aussi! J'imagine que c'est une nouvelle stratégie d'assimilation qui se fait à travers les greffes!
Tant pis, on est bien contents du résultat!

Amitiés de Gilbert et Alexandra

18 juillet, 2005 15:42  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Oui hello? Wow, half man, half ? I like the reference to a cultivar....you are bio-enginered all the way. I am so glad to hear of this success. YEAHHHHH! We are just back from a canoe and kayak vacation, we left on the 18th and came back after a week away, I had a fabulous birthday out on a lake in New Hampshire. I was reminded on the trip last week that besides one fateful canoe excursion when I was very young, which ended with a bent-in-half aluminum canoe and two waterloged people (me and my brother-in-law), the first canoe I ever paddled was yours and Kates. Wendi and I knew nothing and battled and paddled around in circles, around in circles. That was near Kingston, way back when in 1991. Speaking of brother-in-laws, we have just finished reading Maggie's book and we wonder why she refers to you in her acknowledgments as "my long-suffering brother-in-law." I think it had something to do with the mucho discussion about language that went into formulating that fantastic book she wrote. And speaking of long-suffering, thank you for the nice entry in the blog in English. It means a lot to us!!!!

Anyway, I hope all is well with the family, give love to Kate and the boys...and keep strong...remember: "I get knocked down, but I get up again........" It's certainly what Lance has learned!!!

xoxoxoxoxoxo Lori (and Nancy).

28 juillet, 2005 20:01  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Nous voilà retournés des vacances sur la plage Nouveau brunswickoise (apres 4 semaines de renovations cauchemardesqes - au moins pour Isabelle) pour tomber sur cette bonne nouvelle - l'homme refait de l'intérieur et enthousiasmé pour le travail (huh?!). Merci pour le "posting." Continue à profiter de l'été et des petits porteurs de virus.

David R

02 août, 2005 13:05  

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