mercredi, mai 04, 2005

Jour +82: croup!

Hello, not much news in the past week. Claude is doing pretty well. His tacrolimus was reduced again yesterday, and next Tuesday he might go off it altogether. His white blood cell count is still low (1.7 this week), maybe a residual effect of the ganciclovir. Hopefully it will be higher next time (he gets bloodwork done every Tuesday).

Emile's scarlet fever is better, and Claude doesn't seem to have been affected. Unfortunately, now Pascal is sick. I took him to CHEO in the middle of the night Monday because he was making a strange whistling noise when he breathed and had a cough that sounded like a goose honking -- I know now that these are the classic symptoms of croup (le faux croup en francais)! It seems to be a pretty mild case and he is aready much better. Croup is usually caused by a common influenza virus, which I am hoping Pascal hasn't passed on to Claude.

I'll post again after Claude's appointment next Tuesday . . . or sooner if there is anything new in the meantime.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

My God, you guys are never getting a break. We just have to keep looking forward to a day when you are all actually feeling well ... distant as it must sometimes seem.
best of luck with it all, and thanks for keeping us posted.

04 mai, 2005 15:17  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

On peut dire que vous ne chômé pas par les temps qui courent......
Au moins, et ouf!,Claude va de mieux en mieux.......
Lâchez pas et à bientôt.....On vous embrasse très fort et on pense à vous!

Maryse xoxoxox

04 mai, 2005 15:24  

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