jeudi, mai 12, 2005

Jour +90: no more tacrolimus

Claude's appointment went well on Tuesday. His counts have improved (white blood cells 2.5; hemoglobin 110; platlets 147) and he only has to go to the clinic once every two weeks. He is now off the tacrolimus, so the only medications he is still taking are septra (antibiotic, which he will be on for about a year I think) and pantaloc (for acid indigestion). He is feeling pretty well, although still has to rest alot. Now that he is almost at day 100, the risk of the most dangerous infections and acute GVHD are much lower. We are hoping for a *little* bit of GVHD at this point, because you get the added advantage of GVL (graft versus leukemia) that helps to kill off any of the bad guys who made it through all the radiation and chemotherapy. I'll post again next week. . .


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Bien contente de voir que tu sens enfin mieux Claude!Je continue à penser à vous tous et profitez bien du beau temps.......
Grosses Bises

Maryse xoxoxox

12 mai, 2005 18:04  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Salut Claude!

So far, so good...

Lâche pas, et à bientôt j'espère!

Luc et la famille.

14 mai, 2005 18:01  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

It must be hard for Claude to wait so long to regain some energy, but it's good to hear all the progress he is making.

Pascal is adorable. Just great to see him smiling with Papa.

16 mai, 2005 22:14  

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