dimanche, juillet 17, 2005

Jour +156: My Life as a Hybrid

It has been days since I last updated this blog but I have real news now: I just got confirmation that I have changed blood group from (A) to (AB), the one of my donor. This is a sure sign that the graft is thriving and that I have become a true hybrid: someone living thanks to blood cells marked by a different DNA than his own. I feel like a fancy cultivar!

Indeed the graft is doing well, and still shows some aggressiveness towards the host (the rest of me). Besides the itching skin I encountered before, some mild sores have appeared in my mouth. These symptoms are kept partially under control by the steroid I am currently taking, but it is hard to imagine that I could wean myself from this drug anytime soon, as I initially hoped.

I am starting to think about my return to work, but was told by my doctor that I need to gain more strength through exercise first. This week I visited my workplace for the first time since my illness for what was planned to be a couple of hours, meeting friends, colleagues and bosses. It turned out that I spent most of the afternoon and arrived home exhausted. Truly, I will need more training to be up to this sort of thing!