Jour +66: no news is good news
I havn't posted in a while since there hasn't been too much news here. Claude is much the same, although I think he is eating a bit better and feeling a bit stronger than last week. We were told that it will probably be a couple of months before he starts to feel significantly better, and probably a year before he is at 80-90% of his former energy (of course this is barring any infections, graft problems or other complications . . . ). We didn't get the results from the lastest CMV test yet . . . we are hoping that the level of the virus is low enough that he can stop the ganciclovir soon (it is a medication that one nurse called "a kick in the gut"). Sometime soon he will also start to be weaned off the tacrolimus (anti-rejection drug). We walked all the way to the museum of civilization today and sat on a bench in the sun for a while.
I havn't posted in a while since there hasn't been too much news here. Claude is much the same, although I think he is eating a bit better and feeling a bit stronger than last week. We were told that it will probably be a couple of months before he starts to feel significantly better, and probably a year before he is at 80-90% of his former energy (of course this is barring any infections, graft problems or other complications . . . ). We didn't get the results from the lastest CMV test yet . . . we are hoping that the level of the virus is low enough that he can stop the ganciclovir soon (it is a medication that one nurse called "a kick in the gut"). Sometime soon he will also start to be weaned off the tacrolimus (anti-rejection drug). We walked all the way to the museum of civilization today and sat on a bench in the sun for a while.
Bien contente de voir que certains peuvent profiter du beau temps......Prenez-en beaucoup pour moi!
C'est sûr que pour la récupération totale, il faut être patient, mais gardez le moral.....C'est, je crois ,ce qui compte le plus, une fois que le plus gros des efforts a été fait......
Je vous embrasse très fort et je vous envoie des tonnes de surtout, continuez à profiter du beau temps.....
Super que tu aies pu faire un peu d'exercice a l'exterieur. Prends ton temps pour revenir en pleine forme. Je suis convaincu que ca ira de mieux en mieux. Nous pensons souvent a toi.
Daniel B. et famille
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