mardi, avril 26, 2005

Jour +74: This Hour has 22 Minutes

Claude has had two negative tests for CMV, so he is off the ganciclovir. He is also tapering off the tacrolimus (and we hope this won't be the start of GVHD, which he hasn't really had at all so far). He is getting some of his energy back. He is watching a bit of TV, and discovered that there are reruns of "This Hour has 22 Minutes" every day around lunch time. I heard him laughing out loud for the first time in a long time -- I'm sure its good for him.

Other news -- Emile has scarlet fever!! He started antibiotics yesterday and is already feeling better. He has been enjoying watching movies on TV for most of the day and eating pudding and ice-cream whenever he wants. He likes telling people that he has "scarlatine". However all good things come to an end and I think he will be back at school by the end of the week. Claude is on antibiotics too, as a preventive measure, and is staying with his parents for a couple of days to avoid the germs at home.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Bien contente de voir que Claude commence à un peu plus profiter de sa convalescence et que le moral revient.....
Tenez bon et bonne chance à Émile avec la scarlatine!
Grosses bises

Maryse xoxoxox

27 avril, 2005 08:11  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

It sometimes seems as if your hours have 122 minutes--each with its problem. But I'm glad to hear that Claude is laughing and wisely hiding out from the latest infection.
Love to you all.


28 avril, 2005 10:17  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

hey hey...le ratio bonnes nouvelles Vs mauvaises nouvelles est assez bon c est temps-ci.

anyway, Claude, j ai pensé que pour te divertir tu pourrais faire quelques calculs de densité spectrale sur différents codes CDMA. Si tu veux, je peux aller te voir et faire des transformées de Fourrier un bon samedi soir. J en reve depuis si longtemps !

Signé: Un mechant Geek.

Luc B

30 avril, 2005 10:09  

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