Jour +61: discharged!
Claude has been at home since Monday, with no visits to the hospital planned until Friday! He has switched to a pill form of ganciclovir and for now is off iv medications completely! He will be going to the clinic Friday for blood work and will also get the results of the CMV test done on Monday. If things continue to go well, he will only have to go back to the clinic once or twice a week. Of course we are very happy with this news, but I think Claude is a little disappointed that he isn't recovering as quickly as he hoped. He is still very weak and has to rest alot during the day. Hopefully some of his energy will start to come back in the next couple of weeks . . . its an awfully long journey.
That _is_ great news. I'm sorry that things are going so slowly, but at least they're on a clear upward trajectory now, so it's only a matter of time till you're feeling better.
Super bonnes nouvelles et il était temps!Je suis très contente pour vous tous et surtout lâche pas Claude!
Même si tu trouves que tu ne retrouves pas la forme aussi vite que tu pensais,accroche-toi!
Pour ma part, je crois que maintenant ça ira toujours de mieux en mieux, un peu plus chaque jour.......Mais je n'oublie pas que tu reviens de très loin.....Alors si tout ne se fait pas si vite, est-ce si grave?
Je pense toujours à toi, je te serre très fort et je t'embrasse......
Hi Kate,
I bet it seems much longer than 2 months to Claude. But, it really is a short length of time, relatively speaking. Think how long it takes a bone fracture to heal - his body has had much more healing to do than that! It's so wonderful that he can be back at home with the family and with so few trips to the hospital planned. I'm really happy for you guys!
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