samedi, mars 26, 2005

Jour +43: fever

Claude started a fever this afternoon, so he's back in the hospital tonight. They will do blood cultures, start antibiotics and keep an eye on him during the night. If he's doing OK he can come home tomorrow. I miss him already. The nurses are starting to feel like family and I know they will be taking good care of him (thanks April!).


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Thanks so much! Hang in there Claude as it will get better soon! Kate -you are are a superstar Mom/Wife/chauffeur!!!
Think happy and positive thoughts!

26 mars, 2005 20:50  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

J'espère que ta fièvre est passée et que tu as pu retourner à la maison....Je pense à toi très fort et je te souhaite à toi, Kate et les enfants Joyeuse Pâques!.....Un peu un retard......Et surtout,ne lâchez pas......
Je vous embrasse.....
Maryse xoxoxox

28 mars, 2005 06:24  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

We're just back late yesterday, though I got some news from Maggie as we passed through Toronto. Such a battle you're going through, and with such determination and courage. I hope Claude is able to be home today.
Love to you both,


28 mars, 2005 07:11  

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