Jour +11: Five West Revisited
Claude is supposed to be moving to the other end of the corridor tonight, back to five west where he was for his initial treatments in November.
He had his last dose of methotrexate today and also got blood and platelets. He is receiving so many blood products that we are constantly thankful to those who have given blood. Once he has "morphed" (I'm not sure of the correct technical term!) to his donor's immune system, his blood type will be AB+ (he used to be A-). Amazing that he will actually be changing blood groups. Before the transplant, they had to do a plasma exchange (they took all the plasma out of his blood and gave him new stuff) to get rid of his B antibodies. We didn't have a chance to post anything about this procedure, but Claude has some good pictures of the big plastic bag with all his old plasma.
The doctors don't seem too worried about the c. difficile, and think it should clear up in a couple of weeks. He's still in isolation and the nurses and doctors who enter his room wear gloves and gowns.
He had his last dose of methotrexate today and also got blood and platelets. He is receiving so many blood products that we are constantly thankful to those who have given blood. Once he has "morphed" (I'm not sure of the correct technical term!) to his donor's immune system, his blood type will be AB+ (he used to be A-). Amazing that he will actually be changing blood groups. Before the transplant, they had to do a plasma exchange (they took all the plasma out of his blood and gave him new stuff) to get rid of his B antibodies. We didn't have a chance to post anything about this procedure, but Claude has some good pictures of the big plastic bag with all his old plasma.
The doctors don't seem too worried about the c. difficile, and think it should clear up in a couple of weeks. He's still in isolation and the nurses and doctors who enter his room wear gloves and gowns.
Salut Claude!C'est ta cousine Isabelle-fille de Jacques et Catherine-oui, oui, la petite derniere! My family and I (husband Serge, Kids Jasmine 4 and Jérémy 7mos) send you our best "positive brainwaves", prayers and good thoughts to cheer you on all the way from sunny California. You and your family's courage is amazing. Thanks for keeping your us posted on your recovery. Happy Bday. Your kids are adorable.
Salut Claude,
C'est ton cousin Bernard au clavier.
Mon harem (Michèle, Stéphanie, Marie-Pascale) pense beaucoup à toi et aux tiens.
Nous savons que ton énergie légendaire te permettra de passer à travers cette rude épreuve. Ton approche face à l'adversité est une inspiration pour nous tous.
Je tiens ma mère au courant en lui imprimant les pages de ton site. C'est probablement son premier contact avec les technologies Web ! Elle pourra quitter l'hôpital bientôt et on espère que tu pourras faire de même sous peu.
Lâche pas,
Cher Claude,
Même si nous sommes un peu loin de toi, nous suivons l'évolution de tes traitements ainsi que tes réactions à ceux-ci.
Nous te souhaitons bon courage et prompt rétablissement.
Je suis moi=même en convalescence pour une deuxième opération de la hanche droite mais ce n'est rien comparé à la maladie qui t'affecte.
Nous pensons à toi et à ta famille qui montrent beaucoup de courage dans cette rude épreuve.
Cordiales salutations,
Tante Marie et oncle Jean.
Cher Claude,
Je t'ai envoyé un message à bonne heure ce matin et en le relisant je m'aperçois que j'ai fait une faute de français et ça ne me plaît pas du tout.
Voici ce que j'aurais dû écrire:
Nous pensons à toi et à ta famille qui MONTREZ beaucoup de courage dans cette rude épreuve.
Oncle Jean.
Dear Claude
A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!
I think your website is a great idea and have been following your progress daily. Your positive attitude and energy is an inspiration to us all. We think of you often, and you and your family are always in our prayers.
Take Care....Lynne
Claude, Je joins ma voix à celle de tous les autres membres de la famille qui t'ont déjà envoyé leurs meilleurs voeux. Tu es une source d'inspiration et un exemple de courage. Nous pensons à toi très fort et t'envoyons des pensées positives.
Oncle Paul et Louise
Bonjour a tous et toutes,
Merci de continuer a nous informer par le blog, Je suis touche par les dernieres nouvelles et c'est dommage d'avoir manque l'anniversaire de Claude hier. Nous pensons a vous tous, joyeux anniversaire-en-retard et bonne chance.
Les filles et Alexandre
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