Jour +10: c'est difficile . . .
Happy Birthday Claude!
Well, Claude is not feeling quite as good today . . . we found out that he has clostridium difficile (C. difficile). Bad news, but at least now he has started the right antibiotics so hopefully it will clear up soon. I guess when you don't have an immune system its pretty easy to pick up all sorts of things like this. He is in isolation; I'm not sure for how long. . . He is still running a low grade fever and also got magnesium today, so all in all is feeling pretty weak. Hopefully tomorrow will be better . . . .
Well, Claude is not feeling quite as good today . . . we found out that he has clostridium difficile (C. difficile). Bad news, but at least now he has started the right antibiotics so hopefully it will clear up soon. I guess when you don't have an immune system its pretty easy to pick up all sorts of things like this. He is in isolation; I'm not sure for how long. . . He is still running a low grade fever and also got magnesium today, so all in all is feeling pretty weak. Hopefully tomorrow will be better . . . .
Happy birthday ClaudeI so much wish it were in better circumstances. I'm so grateful for this blog. Thanks for starting it up Claude and thanks for filling in as needed Kate. It's so good to know what's happening without pestering you. You're creating a lot of medical experts in both languages. It must be hard to write about an ordeal but you're doing it beautifully.
Happy Birthday old man!
Beers next year on me as you can't bust out for one this year.
Claude, lâche pas.......J'imagine que ce n'est pas très drôle en ce moment, mais on est tous là avec toi......Je t'envoie tous mes encouragements, mes pensées et je te serre très,très prends bien soin de toi.....
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