samedi, février 19, 2005

Jour +8: a room with a view

Welcome to room 5121, Claude Royer in residence . . . beautiful view, luxury bedding and gourmet food (yum yum, merci Diane!). In the midst of neutropenia, Claude is feeling very well. He got "the patch" yesterday. As well as relieving pain, it seems to make him very happy! More news soon.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hello Claude,

Let me tell you that you are really great to let us in on this illness and treatment, that we hear so much about, but do not know its organization on a daily basis. I have sent you this ''anonymous'' message because I am not a computer whiz and do not know the ins and outs of Bloggering !! I got your site from Marie and Jean who in turn got it from your Dad. I am Catherine, Marie's sister. I knew you many years ago and am happy to have this opportunity to communicate with you.I love the picture of you with Pascal. Your room sure does have a view. You must be enjoying it. Am glad to hear that you are entitled to Gourmet meals. Are they really Gourmet? or only hospital gourmet?
My love to you and to Kate. A hug for the boys.
Please let me know if you receive this. My email address is
I am following your journey with great interest.

20 février, 2005 12:56  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Ah le patch!
Dis-moi, si tu es chanceux, tu auras peut-être du démérol! Mes copines infirmières en disent beaucoup de bien!
Je vois que tu es traité aux petits oignons, point de vue gastronomique... Il paraît (selon la représentante qui est venue au bureau l'autre fois) que la saveur Pacanes et beurre, versée sur de la glace, c'est comme du Bailey's...en attendant mieux! Bisous de Montréal, et que Nanabozo le grand lapin te protège,

20 février, 2005 13:44  

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