jeudi, février 17, 2005

and he's still smiling


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Malgré tout tu as le sourire......Tant mieux..... Je pense à toi très fort....

18 février, 2005 12:20  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Les gens de WTL saluent ton courage. You are an inspiration for all of us.

Daniel et la gang

18 février, 2005 13:05  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hi Claude - stinks you had to go so soon to the hospital, but you knew this i guess - i hope that you are feeling ok - smiles are good. I won't bring you my mom's new-age healing book but, i did look through all the hippie-healing books she gives me, and all i can say to you is GARLIC - eat as much of it as the doctors allow - very good for getting you better, and i guess keeping away people with germs - or people in general... perhaps not a good idea! Seriously though, it has all the good things to get your immune system working well. I send you good luck, happy thoughts and lots of energy! I hope to see you soon! And hello to Kate too! xx Karen

18 février, 2005 15:14  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Thinking of you Claude. Keep focussed on success and draw on the good wishes and prayers of your friends and family.
regards SteveB

18 février, 2005 21:33  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Bravo Claude!

J'admire ton courage. Keep it up you're doing great!

Marie Poulin

19 février, 2005 17:25  

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