Jour +36: CMV positive
Claude tested positive for CMV this week, so he's started a new twice daily iv medication called ganciclovir. This is an important medication since CMV infections can cause very serious complications after an allogenic BMT, especially in the first 2-3 months. His bronchoscopy went well on Friday -- they were able to take a biopsy and we hope to have some results early next week. He has a new anti-nausea medication so hopefully he will be able to eat a bit more to keep his strength up during the weeks ahead.
Bonjour Claude,
Nous sommes toujours attentifs à ton état et nous t'envoyons nos meilleures pensées.
Oncle Bernard, tante Madeleine.
Salut Claude!
J'espère que les prochaines semaines ne seront pas trop difficiles et que malgré la fréquence de tes traitements, tu pourras quant même profiter d'un peu de repos......Courage frérot!.....Je pense toujours à toi et je te t'embrasse très fort......
Maryse xoxoxox
Claude je t'envoie tout plein d'ondes positives.
Nous pensons toujours à vous ...
Carole, Luc et les filles
Hi Claude,
Although we do not provide comments daily there are many of us here constantly go through your notes with much interst and pride.
It is great you get to this point of coming home. Sure you will get through this CMV too soon.
Today we participated to this blood donor clinic in your honor. Although they said that I cannot give blood due to my recent visit to Sri Lanka, there were a large crowd there and sure they will update you with official numbers soon...I will do my part in six months time.
Good luck Claude... Remember we all are with you ... in mind.
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