lundi, mars 14, 2005

Jour +31: from in-patient to out-patient

Claude moved out of his hospital room today. He's now officially an out-patient and will be staying at home and going to the hospital daily for iv medications. We are happy to have finished this first phase of the treatment, and hope that things keep going smoothly for the next little while. Sounds like the biopsy might not happen and they may just do a bronchoscopy similar to the one he had before . . . . we should know more tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Excellente nouvelle!!

Nous sommes heureux de te savoir parmi les tiens à nouveau. On t'embrasse très fort.

Salomé, Sonia et Pierre

15 mars, 2005 06:55  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Welcome home, Claude!!!!

15 mars, 2005 08:12  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hooray! Congratulations.
-- Maggie

15 mars, 2005 10:53  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Home sweet home enfin! Profites-en bien pour te reposer et prendre bien soin de toi!


15 mars, 2005 11:05  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Claude, great news that you're home! This blog is a really good way to let us all know and see how you are doing. I must say you are looking very fit for all you've gone through! Stay strong in spirit. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

16 mars, 2005 21:55  

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