Jour +29: leave of absence
Claude was granted a leave of absence (they call it an "LOA") for the last two nights, so he's been at home for two evenings. It's a nice change from the hospital, but he finds it quite tiring. He will probably stay at the hospital tomorrow night -- there is a good chance he will be having a biopsy of his lung early next week to try to get a better idea what the infection is. The first bronchoscopy wasn't definitive, since they couldn't do a biopsy (he didn't have enough platelets at the time) so they would like to do another now that his counts are good. Although he doesn't have too much of a fever, he is still coughing and the x-rays and CT scans still show something in his right lung (in fact they show more now that he has white blood cells that can cause inflammation). It is important that they know the best way to treat this infection since there is a good chance that he will have to go on more immunosuppressants (if the GVHD starts up soon) and it might not be totally cleared up by then.
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