samedi, février 12, 2005

Jour +1: Gentle Downward Slope

The conditioning and the transplant are done... this was the easy part! Now I will start the gentle slope down into neutropenia, where my immune system will dive down to zero in order for the new one to pick up. Fatigue is already setting in and fevers are to be expected later. I foresee one liner postings from me in the near future!

To remove my old immune system even faster, I was was given a small amount of chemo (methotrexate) today, yellow stuff that leaves me quite tired. I am expecting more of this Monday.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

hi claude
we're thinking of you in toronto ... hope the neutropenia is not too dreadful.
keep us posted when you have the energy

14 février, 2005 09:44  

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