jeudi, février 24, 2005

Jour +13: the west wing

Claude is ensconced in his new room in the west wing. It is a step up from his previous dwelling -- he has his own refrigerator! Unfortunately he isn't taking full advantage of it since he has very little appetite right now. I keep bringing things I think he would like, but he hasn't eaten any of them yet . . . The combination of nausea and fever is getting him down a bit, but we are hoping that he will start feeling better within a week. He will be starting an intravenous anti-fungal medication since the antibiotics don't seem to be bringing his fever down. Apparently the medication looks like a big bag of orange juice. He is also going to be getting a CT scan of his chest (x-rays done previously didn't show anything) and an ultrasound of his abdomen. As well as the regular crowd (shown in the photos below), Claude had a visit from a specialist in infectious diseases today.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hi, Claude,

We are counting the days together with you.

Wish you getting better day by day.

25 février, 2005 08:55  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Salut Claude!
Après quelques messages retournés, nous espérons que celui-ci va être bon.
Depuis que tu as construit ton site nous suivons au jour le jour ton évolution, une très bonne initiative ce site
Bonne chance Claude, nous sommes avec toi
Madeleine et Bernard

25 février, 2005 17:12  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Oui Hello?

Keep fighting those microbes, Claude. You will get the upper hand soon and feel better. Hopefully, the infectious disease expert does not visit you too often - it is best that you don't see them much!!

Keep your strength up and we hope your new quarters provides some good bird viewing.

Hope you feel better in the days ahead.

Remember, "you get knocked down, but you get up again, they ain't never gonna keep you down".

Much love,

Nancy and Lori

25 février, 2005 20:42  

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