mercredi, mars 02, 2005

Jour +19: good news and bad news

The good news is that Claude's white blood cell count has started the long climb upwards . . . He is at 0.5 today (he has been at 0.1-0.2 for the past two weeks). This means that his new immune system is just starting to get going.

The bad news is that he has started a fever again and the bronchoscopy is back on for tomorrow. He is very nauseous and uncomfortable today and is still coughing alot.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Lâche pas Claude! Plus que 2 jours pour atteindre le 21ième.......Probablement que ce délai te semble bien long......mais tu y es presque....On t'encourage très, très fort, on pense encore plus fort à toi et on t'embrasse......


02 mars, 2005 16:08  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Courage! Cette remontée des globules blancs, ça me semble de bonne augure. Faut encore s'accrocher un peu... Vous allez y arriver, Claude et Kate qui faites si brave figure. Bises,

02 mars, 2005 18:38  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Je regarde ce tableau de nouvelles à tous les jours .
Je pense à vous tous...Claude, Kate Emile et Pascal
Bravo pour la remontée des globules blanches.
Bon courage
Je vous embrasse.


03 mars, 2005 11:59  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Turned the conrner and on the upswing....way to go Claude!!!

.....Dave W

03 mars, 2005 15:28  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Where are my "%?/&%#!$!# pom-poms??



J'espère que la fièvre se dissipe bientôt face à ton nouveau super-système et que tu reprennes le dessus.

Bon courage!

Luc, Carole, Jacinthe, Camille et Sacha

03 mars, 2005 18:04  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hey Claude and Kate --

sorry about the fever, but good to hear that the white cell count is starting up again. Let's hope that the worst may be over.
We're thinking about you every day -- and Kate, thanks so much for the updates!

Maggie, Ken and Simone

03 mars, 2005 19:18  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hi Claude and Kate -

We just wanted to let you know we're cheering for your recovery, Claude, and thinking of you all often.

Mary and Caitlin Gaudet

03 mars, 2005 20:27  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Salut Claude,
This is the first chance I had to read your blog (now I know what a blog is :) ) and it was good for me to see and read about your progress. I am enouraged by your continued resilience and determination, keep it up man! Kate and your family are marvellous. My thoughts and prayers are with you, take care.
David Starks

03 mars, 2005 21:23  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hiya Kate,

I'm really happy to hear about the increased white blood cell count. It's great news and it's going to help Claude to fight off this new infection. It sounds like Claude is in good hands and the staff seems to be moving very quickly to minimize this new risk.

Keep up your positive attitudes! We are cheering for all of you here at CCI!!!


04 mars, 2005 08:52  

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