lundi, février 28, 2005

Jour +17: no fever!

Sorry not to have posted recently. Claude hasn't had a fever for 3 days, and the new theory is that the fever may have been from the c. difficile not a lung infection. The doctors decided not to do a bronchoscopy today; we were relieved about that because it sounded like an unpleasant procedure, with some risks involved. He is feeling nauseous and weak today and hasn't been able to eat or drink much. He's getting the second dose of an iv anti-fungal medication tomorrow morning. The side effects include violent trembling, teeth chattering, etc. The first dose was during the night, so I didn't witness the dramatic effects, but it was loud enough (bed shaking, teeth rattling) that Claude's next door neighbour paged a nurse! Demerol stops the shaking pretty quickly, and this time he will be more prepared for the symptoms and will ask for it sooner . . . We are still waiting for his white blood cell count to start coming back up -- day 21 still seems like a long way off.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Yes it's great to hear Claude's fever subsided. It seems the doctors are no longer so concerned about whatever was "brewing."
That anti-fungal treatment sounded dreadful though. Thank goodness for demerol and concerned neighbours! Best wishes again from Nadine and Jon.

01 mars, 2005 11:41  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Oui Hello? Kate, Claude...........
Man, Claude, hang in there. Oh, how crazy horrible is that antifungal? Ouch. Hang in there!!!!! Yer' white blood cells are nearing the starting gate! Only a few more days to go...

I'm skiing for you, man, this weekend! 6 pm to 6 am nordic relay to benefit the ACS. Team of 8 of us, skiing through the night, through the woods...I've raised a good amount of $$$...we'll beat the beast, we just need research, research. And YOU, you need to just keep hanging in there--don't get knocked down! Love and strength to you both, K and C, xxoo Lori

01 mars, 2005 12:22  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Salut Claude!

Pas toujours facile le chemin de la guérison......Au moins la fièvre est passée....Je pense à toi, repose-toi du mieux que tu peux et je t'embrasse très fort!


01 mars, 2005 13:49  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Am so happy that your fever is down.
Demerol is good.
Only four more days to day 21.
Thanks for sharing

01 mars, 2005 15:10  

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